Wednesday, May 1, 2013

An Open Letter

Dear Committee Members:

As the most recent recipient of the H.K.A.C. Scholarship for International Outreach and Research, I am writing to express my deepest thanks to this body and to report back to you on my progress and findings. As you know, I spent the last nine months in New Zealand, charged with expanding the international H.K.A.C. fan-base and seeking opportunities for the betterment of H.K.A.C. I am proud to report several successes. While the language barrier presented a significant challenge to the task of recruiting new fans in New Zealand, I was able to identify one potential candidate. This Andrew Lyall Pointon shows great promise, and I would urge this body to move forward in building a relationship with him. Another task that absorbed a significant chunk of my time over this last year was research into new uniform materials and styles. After some trial and error, I feel confident that I was able to strike a significant discovery--a uniform appendage that holds great potential for H.K.A.C. As fan surveys continue to show diminishing excitement rates for our sashes, this 100% pure wool running poncho 
(pictured below)
appears as a perfect solution. In any event, I look forward to discussing these findings in greater detail during our mandatory team meetings in Boston, May 24-26.

With Great Appreciation and Esteem,

Brandon Kowloon